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"Connecting Classrooms"

Beginning in 2011, Connecting Classrooms has served as a way of connecting UCF students of Russian with high school students in Russia who study English at Lyceum Number 7. Headed by Dr. Kourova, this project pairs Intermediate Russian language students with Russians to become pen pals via email. Students are encouraged to get to know one another to better understand each other's culture as well as guided to discuss topics that are covered in group Skype calls. The two classes engage in group Skype calls several times over the course of the semester to meet with each other and discuss and teach their counterpart something about their culture. Topics have included holidays, personal heroes, and fairy-tales/folklore, as well as many others. 

Dr. Kourova with a group of Intermediate Russian students with their pen pals on the screen in the back.

A group of Connecting Classrooms students after performing a Russian fairy tale for the Russian students (pictured on the screen).


Intermediate Russian students gather with Russian students (onscreen) to smile for a photo after a Skype call.

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